Urban Goddess provides a platform for women from all over the world to connect with the divine feminine in a modern, easily accessible form. This offering is part of the movement of awakening women and a general rise in global consciousness.
The awakening of the Divine Feminine is, simply put, the understanding that what we call God isn’t exclusively masculine. But it’s also an awakening to the Earth’s consciousness, an understanding that we need to change our relationship with the Great Mother, our planet, before we destroy it.
We must begin by healing the relationship with the feminine within ourselves, whether male or female.
As a result of this global awakening, women all over the world are coming together in networks that support a distinct feminine spirituality. A spirituality that includes honouring the sacred wisdom of our wombs, the natural world and the lunar cycle. It’s by sharing our knowledge about the menstrual cycle, and by empowering each other as women, that we can start to shift towards living more sustainable lives that are in harmony with the planet.
While the first wave of feminism created a platform of strength, from which women are now making their voices heard, the next wave of the feminine enables a deeper understanding of what is needed now. This includes a deeper process of psycho-spiritual transformation, and the use of ceremonial wisdom and intelligent magic to heal the wounds that are harming men, women and the planet alike.
We welcome you to participate in a new women’s movement that incorporates the female soul, and includes science and the modern world!
To support this, Urban Goddess offers:
- Red Tent circles, Goddess retreats, workshops and personal ceremonies in Sweden, the UK and Costa Rica.
- Urban Goddess also creates sustainable, handmade products that support the return of the Goddess in the form of a unique essential oil blend. Precious, organic essential oils associated with specific qualities of the world’s Goddesses are blended into products that you can use with good conscience in your everyday life.
- The book Natural Birth – A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth and Breastfeeding, which is also offered on the website, welcomes birth as an initiatory, spiritual process in the life of a woman.
To heal the rift in the fabric of life inflicted by patriarchal structure, we need to come together to co-create a new world, and weave the weave that will be strong enough to hold us all.
Welcome to the circle.
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